Shares are financial securities that certify that their owner has made a cash investment in the company's capital and has the right to profit in the form of dividends. The company’s profit is paid to shareholders depending on the amount of each investment and is prescribed in the memorandum of the joint-stock company.
With the development of online trading, it became possible to trade stocks without the physical acquisition of security; namely, a new financial instrument CFD (from Contract for Difference), was created. The essence of CFD is the operation on an asset's price change (difference) and earning on the growth or fall without purchasing physic stocks, eliminating ownership and voting rights. The CFD contracts have become very popular due to the small financial requirements for entering the stock market and the opportunity to earn both ways (up and down, buy and sell), which cannot be used in traditional trading for all stocks.
Shares are classified by total capitalization, their primary criterion for traders. Also, stocks are traded at different times, so you need to look at the specifications for each.
Very Large – capitalization of more than $ 500 billion.
Large – from $ 100 to $ 500 billion.
Medium – from $ 10 to $ 100 billion.
Minor – from $ 500 million to $ 10 billion.
Small – less than $ 500 million.

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